Declare a Major / Minor
Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies (WRDS) Major
The Bachelor of Arts degree in Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies (WRDS) requires 120 credit hours. Students in the major must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours in Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies courses, including 12 credit hours at the 4000-level. Your overall GPA in WRDS must be at least a 2.0 in order to graduate.
For requirements for the WRDS Major, please visit the UNC Charlotte Course Catalog.
To declare a WRDS major, please complete this form. If you have any questions or need any help, please contact Jon Pope, Undergraduate Coordinator.
Once you are a WRDS major, your Academic Advisor will be Gina Karp.
Please note: if you want to DROP a minor or a major, nothing needs to be signed or submitted by the department. Email the registrar’s office and request to have the certain major/minor dropped; provide your 800# in the email.
Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies (WRDS) Minor
The Minor in Writing, Rhetoric & Digital Studies (WRDS) requires the completion of 18 hours of coursework in WRDS, comprising 9 hours of required courses and 9 hours of WRDS electives. An overall GPA of 2.0 in all coursework within the minor is required.
For requirements for the WRDS Minor visit the UNC Charlotte Course Catalog
To declare a WRDS minor, please complete this form.
Once you declare the WRDS minor, Jon Pope, the WRDS Undergraduate Coordinator, will be your minor advisor. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact him.
Please note: if you want to DROP a minor or a major, nothing needs to be signed or submitted by the department. Email the registrar’s office and request to have the certain major/minor dropped; provide your 800# in the email.