Kristina Duemmler

Kristina Duemmler
M.A. English, Creative Writing, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
B.A. English, Language and Digital Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Areas of interest
First year writing
Technical and professional writing
Creative writing (historical fiction and YA fiction)
The history, acquisition, and structure of language
Courses Taught
WRDS 1103: Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts (I & II)
ENGL 2126: Introduction to Creative Writing
North Carolina State University AEGS Student Conference
Presented paper: “Extremely Complicated and Incredibly Simple: Jonathan Safran Foer’s use of visual grief in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” 2021
University of North Carolina at Charlotte English Graduate Student Association Graduate Student Conference
Presented paper: “Who Owns the Holocaust Narrative?: How Maus II Uncovers Complications Regarding Representation,” 2020
University of North Carolina at Charlotte 2020 Creative Writing Student Expo
October 2020 Presented personal poem: “Comstock”
Greensboro International Honors Convention
Presented thesis: “Sifting Through Recipes: Readers and Writers of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Recipe Books,” 2019 (won first place for visiting papers)
Sigma Tau Delta 2019 International Convention
Presented on a panel: The Ever-Changing School System
Sigma Tau Delta 2018 International Convention
Presented creative paper: “A Part to Play”
Presented on panel: Sex Trafficking Victims in Search of Freedom
Presented on panel: Sea to Shining Sea: The Freedom of Immigration