Linda Hofmann // Student Digital Stories on Display

Categories: General News

Student digital stories projects around the theme “Boundaries” and personal histories and interviews are on “display” or available on the Levine Museum of the New South’s YouTube channel. 

They are part of the “Video Viernes” series. (The museum has multiple video series running.) They have run the videos over the course of the exhibition, which opened in September 2015 and closes on October 30,2016.

Some of Linda’s students’ videos are currently running with all the videos in a rotation. The UNC Charlotte digital stories are just a few of many videos in the Video Viernes series.  

NUEVO Día Dialogues Exhibit! Explore the ¡NUEVOlution! exhibit and what it means to live in the Nuevo South, amidst the many diverse and dynamic encounters shaping life, work and the community.