Digital Media and Composition Conference (DMAC) Ohio State University
Digital Media and Composition Conference (DMAC) Ohio State University
Joan Mullin, Jan Rieman, Justin Cary,and Mary Ellen Muesing enjoyed participating in the annual DMAC institute at Ohio State University this past May.
It was an intense time of reading, writing, discussing, learning and creating original audio and digital pieces. Some of the skills developed and projects created include: webpages, closed captioning, video, audio, HTML, copyright issues, a sixty second video around an idea called Concept in 60., ebooks, audacity, WordPress. We all gained a greater understanding of multimodal composition as well as empathy for our students as we were put in the role of students learning new technology. Please feel free to ask any of us and we will be glad to share our projects and ideas. Concept in 60 project was completed in phases with opportunities for practice, revision and peer feedback. Each person started with a “concept” and then made an audacity recording and then mashed and cut and spliced the recording with visuals/original videos/internet video /audio/music clips to create a final piece that had to be exactly sixty seconds. The coordinators put all of our projects together and we had an outdoor viewing or movie night.
Joan’s thoughts-
“DMAC was transformative: I experienced what it is to be a student in an intensive course while observing some of the very best teaching. I continually found myself acting like a student and taking notes on incorporating pedagogies into my classroom. While we learned a lot of content, the conditions created in which to fail and learn were exemplary.”